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Thank you for taking the time to personally respond here Gaƫl, I truly appreciate it.

But for lack of better words I genuinely believe that /e/OS is actively neglecting users with regards to security. I kindly ask that you and your team take a strong look at what the others in this area are doing and take it into account.
Best regards,

Tad [Redacted] at /e/ forums (, scroll to #74)
August 12, 2021

Opinion Platform

Silenced No More

DivestOS, Divested Computing "Group", Tad [Redacted] also known as SkewedZeppelin, IratePorcupine at GitLab, Subzer0Carnage at Reddit; SubzeroCarnage at Hacker News, Tavi, Ram-Rod Tikki, Rikki, Darzee, and more in XMPP Multi-User Chats and elsewhere:

Follow the Money

March 10, 2024

For a few years, Tad [Redacted] updated and published a list of monthly donations to Tad [Redacted], aka DivestOS,,, about daily, or every few days. Around December 2023 or January 2024, the list was deleted, similar to the removal of and history from Wayback ( This was also around the time of the "I'll put this on the back burner if I don't get $12,000 in donations in January-February 2024" campaign. I kept some screen prints. Below is a summary table.

Tad [Redacted] criticised other projects, particularly Calyx Institute, for being slow publishing their annual reports. Now Tad, a sole proprietor, a for profit operation, but using "org" not "com" domain for divestOS, has hidden previously published donation amounts. Hiding income to avoid taxes looks like a possible reason. With CalyxOS and Calyx Institute, under a legitimate 501c3 organization, you can go to the IRS website and get the annual filings. With DivestOS, you can't. Similar to /e/ foundation and their shell companies, the financials are now hidden for DivestOS,, and

Another thing Tad [Redacted] published and hasn't yet deleted, is a list of expenses and time spent on projects.

Divested Computing Group is an umbrella for full-time passion projects by myself, Tavi, since 2014. I devote a significant amount of my time and resources to FOSS and operate independently of any organization or company.

Tad [Redacted]

Reading between the lines, after dropping out of high school, and when not gaming, Tad [Redacted] spends time on some apps and ROM operating system hobbies for family and friends, and would like to get money for it. I added up Tad's list of "time spent" and it came to 65 to 97 hours per month. 97 hours a month is about 3 hours a day, or 5 hours a day per 5-day week. This is hardly a full time job equivalent. A full-time job is around 40 hours a week, 160 hours a month, or 8 hours a work-day. Tad [Redacted] wants us to pay for Tad's hobbies.

What is interesting about the following table? After 2021, annual donations totals are more or less equivalent to declared goals. Goals start low, 750 per month, then increase to 2400 per month, then to 12,000 for the first two months of 2024. Donations, or Follow the Money published income history
Date Published Goal
2024/2 12,000 12,000
2024/1 ^^ ^^
2023 total: 11,265 15,600
2023/12 818 2,400
2023/11 664 2,400
2023/10 320 2,400
2023/9 636 2,400
2023/8 554 750
2023/7 6,748 750
2023/6 430 750
2023/5 251 750
2023/4 156 750
2023/3 192 750
2023/2 223 750
2023/1 273 750
2022 total: 9,342 9,000
2022/12 458 750
2022/11 195 750
2022/10 33 750
2022/9 970 750
2022/8 255 750
2022/7 262 750
2022/6 3,175 750
2022/5 2,985 750
2022/4 263 750
2022/3 385 750
2022/2 89 750
2022/1 272 750
2021 total: 347 4,500
2021/12 64 750
2021/11 40 750
2021/10 11 750
2021/9 101 750
2021/8 94 750
2021/7 37 750

Followup, March 18, 2024: Tad [Redacted] has replaced the previous monthly donation history with a revised yearly donation history. The annual totals are in the ballpark of the values shown above. Tad's stated goal decreased to $14,000 per year, or $1,167 per month; from 28,800 per year or $2,400 per month in the last 4 months of 2023.

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