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2023 Outstanding New Free Software Contributor recognition award from the Free Software Foundation

goes to Tad [redacted] (SkewedZeppelin) of,,, etc.

November 1, 2023, Minor update February 17, 2024

In March 2023, Tad [redacted] (SkewedZeppelin), aka IratePorcupine at GitLab, Subzer0Carnage at Reddit, SubzeroCarnage at Hacker News, received the Outstanding New Free Software Contributor recognition award from The Free Software Foundation.

The FSF doesn't say who or how many people nominated award recipients, but my nomination of Tad [redacted] (SkewedZeppelin) in September 2022 surely didn't hurt.

In late September 2022, before DivestOS had been over-run by the pack of GrapheneOS supporters, and before risen had been banned from participating in the DivestOS XMPP Multi User Chat, I submitted a nomination of Tad [redacted] (SkewedZeppelin) for the FSF Outstanding New Free Software Contributor award.

The following information was submitted.

Name of nominee: Tad [redacted] (SkewedZeppelin)

What free software projects has the nominee made a significant contribution to? DivestOS Mobile, OpenWRT, Mulch & Mull browsers, Mulch Webview, GmapsWV, Hypatia malware scanner, Extirpator eraser

During what timespan would you say the nominee made their most significant contributions? Approximately June 2020 to present

When did they join the project? They started DivestOS approximately 2014, but first publicized it in mid 2020.

What makes the nominee or their contribution(s) commendable? Please include Web addresses for materials which support your nomination and allow the nominating committee to verify eligibility. For example: software, manuals, or writing about the work of the nominee. Limit: 500 words:

DivestOS mobile is a LineageOS fork for mostly older, no longer officially supported, smartphones, emphasizing security and privacy. As much as possible, they license their work under GPL. They are credited for finding proprietary nonfree "Ambient SDK" in Replicant OS. They deblob as much as possible, while having the phones to work as smartphones; they do not support Google apps or microG.

Links: (archive, now deleted, see discussion here) (archive)

Awards were announced at LibrePlanet 2023 and more details were published in Mid March 2023. A video of award announcements and acceptance speeches was published in April 2023; see starting approximately 19:00 minutes for the Tad [redacted] (SkewedZeppelin) DivestOS award and acceptance segment.

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