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Of all the ways you
can limit yourself, your
own self-definition is
the most powerful.

Michael Crichton
The Andromedia Evolution
Daniel H. Wilson

Chapter 5

In which strcat complains about Wikipedia, Copperhead, and Calyx, gives a feeble example of a claim someone is a nazi, and explains how it is too difficult to provide good evidence.

the GrapheneOS Wikipedia page was actually **created** by someone who we suspect is tied to James and who has remained heavily involved, stripping the article of content and adding weird claims to it

not sure what the current state of it is, prefer not to bother looking
Nov 26 22:46

it misrepresents when the project was started, and many other things

random people who go to edit the article now and then and fix stuff aren't going to win based on people watching it closely and editing it long term to push a narrative, just how Wikipedia works, I expect a lot of it is paid editors pushing stuff for companies, politicians, etc. at this point
Nov 26 22:47

anyone else is going to just get burned out as they aren't getting paid and all their stuff gets reverted / removed over time

yep, absurd it doesn't say 2014

it ignores many of the benefits entirely
Nov 26 22:48

anyway it is not worth going to court and paying $50k of legal fees over Wikipedia edits which is pretty much the only attack from them I see

James still pays for sponsored fake news stories

> <> it ignores many of the benefits entirely

people do write that content for the article
Nov 26 22:49

it's mostly 1 long term person who strips it all back down and pushes the narrative that it started in 2019 (makes no sense at all, the name was just changed to GrapheneOS in 2019)
Nov 26 22:50

how can this possibly exist?

> forked from GrapheneOS/platform_frameworks_base

> Feb 5, 2016
Nov 26 22:51


Strcat, I can see that you are heart from all what has happen and maybe you have so personal all the words from funny risen(sometimes too much funny, u know south people) . But I might say , at least from my understanding, there is a big respect for what u do and your work. We need you. So please, lets stop all this and let divestos grows paralel with you and in its own. So lets make space for the main topic of this chat.
Nov 26 22:52

anyway, to me, the CopperheadOS thing and CalyxOS thing are very closely tied together, and James engaged in / funded a misinformation campaign against me which he hasn't really been doing for the past 2 years but the people he involved / brainwashed continued it


Strcat, I can see that you are heart from all what has happen and maybe you have take so personal all the words from funny risen(sometimes too much funny, u know south people) . But I might say , at least from my understanding, there is a big respect for what u do and your work. We need you. So please, lets stop all this and let divestos grows paralel with you and in its own. So lets make space for the main topic of this chat.
Nov 26 22:53

Nov 26 22:54

CalyxOS phone seller very active in their community btw

note: linked tweet is a different thing showing an example of them literally being a neo-nazi and holocaust denier
Nov 26 22:56

Techlore's private group where many attacks on myself and GrapheneOS have been coordinated, that is the same Max
Nov 26 22:57

I don't know why the 2nd image got so screwed up
Nov 26 22:59

all I wanted to show is a that a fair number of people in the privacy community are in a secret Signal group run by Techlore where they are friends with a couple literal nazis and coordinate talking points attacking GrapheneOS, and they own/control Privacy Guides but just aren't the ones making the content so that's why Privacy Guides at least temporarily supports GrapheneOS

I have screenshots of them doing that there, not going to dump a bunch of stuff here though
Nov 26 23:03

> <> Oh come on. How many tweets etc accuse others of "attacks". I agree with paranoid behavior describing those.

if you actually look at what has happened / is happening you would realize I am not 'paranoid'
Nov 26 23:04

the kind of thing some of those people do is posting my personal info on a far right site like where for trolling they set their name to Nick's username (there is actually a chance they did literally get my phone number from him since the way it got leaked is having a few of the Calyx people as contacts, who must have shared it to others)
Nov 26 23:06

Thanks for sharing. Snd please ,Tad talk about with risen and better dont tell me that I am spamming while your cbat friends are talking about other projects in the eay they do.

And please Daniel. Keep your awesome work.
Nov 26 23:07

Thanks for sharing. So please ,Tad talk about with risen and better dont tell me that I am spamming while your cbat friends are talking about other projects in the eay they do.
Nov 26 23:07

IMO, it is true that many of your tweets do drive a reader away from Gos. Similarly, that post would drive a reader away from max whoever.

I haven't been doing very much awesome work for a while due to being so burned out and depressed from all of what has happened, it's mostly the people I fund doing it

Thanks for sharing. So please ,Tad talk about with risen and better dont tell me that I am spamming while your cbat friends are talking about other projects in the way they do.

They do it caise they believe in you , mister
Nov 26 23:08

They do it cause they believe in you , mister
Nov 26 23:09

noax8: Your Please message appeared 5 times. Almost All your messages are repeating.
Nov 26 23:10

Cause I want Daniel to kind of stop all this talk. Is sooo out off topic. And I understand him why has the need to explain him selv.
Nov 26 23:12

I think this information in important background

and mirrors what I've observed myself

it is messed up

> <> I think this information in important background

So then Daniel, tad and risen have a personal talk about all this
Nov 26 23:13

SkewedZeppelin: btw Auditor / AttestationServer now supports variants of the app so if you made your own builds of it, they could be added to the list in the official GrapheneOS ones and could interoperate

Come on guys

noax8, no one is forcing you to read these messages

turn off notifications if they aren't already

I don't even have mine on

strcat, I still have no capable devices, but am still open to such integration

... long mostly monolog with criticism of Qualcomm, Google play and F-Droid by strcat...
Nov 26 23:49

> strcat:
> note: linked tweet is a different thing showing an example of them literally being a neo-nazi and holocaust denier

Sorry to follow up. More likely they (Max) refer to the "genocide" starting in '41 (?), and are trying to be accurate on timing. The stupid thing is the history link says 1938 is when ~job~, pool, cinema restrictions, and Kristallnacht happened, but the stupid post says 1939. I searched Max posts, and saw no other "denier" posts. If this is your strongest evidence, it is too weak to call them anything, IMO.
Nov 27 00:10

> <> > strcat:
> > note: linked tweet is a different thing showing an example of them literally being a neo-nazi and holocaust denier
> Sorry to follow up. More likely they (Max) refer to the "genocide" starting in '41 (?), and are trying to be accurate on timing. The stupid thing is the history link says 1938 is when ~job~, pool, cinema restrictions, and Kristallnacht happened, but the stupid post says 1939. I searched Max posts, and saw no other "denier" posts. If this is your strongest evidence, it is too weak to call them anything, IMO.

it's not the strongest evidence at all, you'll notice they have deleted all their old posts
Nov 27 00:20

they've said far worse than that, I just chose to search to find an example on twitter instead of digging through 100s of screenshots
Nov 27 00:21

> strcat:
> they've said far worse than that, I just chose to search to find an example on twitter instead of digging through 100s of screenshots

Ways not to convince anyone... ^

> SkewedZeppelin:
> anytime I mention single out a person of another project it is only ever in prasie
Nov 27 00:32

> <> > strcat:
> > they've said far worse than that, I just chose to search to find an example on twitter instead of digging through 100s of screenshots
> Ways not to convince anyone... ^
> > SkewedZeppelin:
> > anytime I mention single out a person of another project it is only ever in prasie
> *praise

I already showed one of the screenshots above
Nov 27 00:34

if you'd like I can dump a bunch in this room since you want the topic of this room to be your endless attacks / accusations against me

if SkewedZeppelin had people obsessed with them and posting about them for years with endless attacks across platforms perhaps they'd want to counter it too, not sure why you're quoting that
Nov 27 00:35

To suggest an alternative to you
Nov 27 00:36

> <> sent an image.

do you understand that a group of people doing this every day across multiple platforms is an extreme form of harassment and bullying? no?

> <> To suggest an alternative to you

I'd suggest for you that you simply stop the attacks you've been making for ages on myself and GrapheneOS based on reading attacks from other people doing the same
Nov 27 00:37

feel free to search for my name in multiple forms on Techlore's chat room platforms to see that it's a continuous thing being done, and that's only the parts mods haven't removed (which are still quite bad, despite some of the worst being removed hours or days later)
Nov 27 00:39

I can't stop something that I'm not doing.

that screenshot is not in any way unique or even particularly bad compared to what happens regularly including the doxxing, threats and real life harassment

> <> I can't stop something that I'm not doing.

you are doing it, people here have seen you doing it over and over again

you're doing it now

I was talking about Auditor, Play Signing, etc. and you want to go back to attacking me
Nov 27 00:40

you want to play games arguing about whether someone who has openly / proudly themselves a fascist over and over in public / semi-public Telegram rooms is a fascist, okay, weird hill to die on though
Nov 27 00:42

It's not an attack to tell you I'm not convinced by your example. BTW if you just sent an image, it was not received.

> <> sent an image.

is an image showing 1 example of what that person does from a series of threads where they were repeatedly doing that

it's just one example and far from the most egregious one
Nov 27 00:44

he deleted all his older tweets where he bragged about harassing me and coordinating raids
Nov 27 00:46

I have archives / screenshots but I can't easily search as I can with non-deleted tweets

and btw, about that reply, Google once gave us ad credit and we used it to post a link to the web installer in searches for our project's previous name until the credit ran out (in a few months)
Nov 27 00:48

if you won't look at images or archive links then I don't know why you ask me to spend my time looking through it to find the relevant examples
Nov 27 00:49

if you don't see a problem with a project openly working with (including with financial ties) / welcoming people who brag about engaging in a multi year harassment / doxxing campaign against me, alright
Nov 27 00:52

> <> I checked for micay/thestinger/strcat/daniel across the 3 copies I have of my dino.db

`Gos (is great)` would return more results... 😉
Nov 27 02:38

> <> I can't stop something that I'm not doing.

Now I know what you are.
Nov 27 02:39

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